Here is an original Otto Link "Tone Edge" tenor mouthpiece. This mouthpiece measures .100" on my gauge.
This piece is from the era with the beveled shank, and no USA stamp. In most respects this piece is in pristine condition with all aspects being original from the Pompano Beach factory. PLEASE NOTE: after cleaning this piece I noticed an unusual marking on the table that appears to be permanent marker to cover a scratch. Upon further examination I have determined it to be a very small, subtle crack that seems to start at a point in the table. It does NOT go through anywhere. I have included numerous photos from as many angles as possible to show this defect.
As indicated there is also a scratch in the shank at 3x magnification but is solid.
I highly recommend having the table resurfaced by a professional to ensure best contact with the reed. It is playable as is but would benefit from small refinements. The price reflects all this information for a piece that would otherwise fetch closer to a $1900 price tag.